Cooper has been super amazing lately! He is growing and learning so fast. Just the other day I stepped out of the room for a minute, came back and Cooper was on his tummy. I knew that the only way he could have done that is to roll over but I thought it was on accident. The next day Brady and I saw him roll over from his back to tummy and then again to his back! We were so excited! Since then he has continued to roll over whenever we put him on the floor. He tries to pull himself towards his toys when he's on his tummy and has been pushing with his toes! He has been successful only once but I think he will be moving around in no time!Since the day he's been born he has been attached to his binkie. My mom and I bought all kinds of binkies to try because he couldn't keep the binkie in his mouth. He ended up LOVING the most ugly one ever with the longest nipple I have ever seen. He loves the thing so much it started to collapse and it was REALLY sticky. If it ever fell onto the floor we had to wash it with soap to get everything off of it. At that point we decided to buy new ones. Of course the store didn't have his special binkie so I bought 2 different kinds! FINALLY he will take a cute binkie...but most of all he just likes to play with it and chew on it. Hopefully he won't be needing that thing for very much longer...but it sure does keep him occupied.
With his new binkie! It matches his cute PJs.
Cooper still is really happy. He will giggle now at random times when nothing is going on. Just this morning he finished his bottle and when I sat him up to burp him he just giggled and smiled. This is VERY unusual since he usually screams when you take his bottle away.
He can almost sit up by himself. He does well if there are something supporting either side of him. Hopefully soon he will be able to be on his own.
Cooper went swimming for the first time this week. We went to a resort that had an indoor pool that we could go in. It was very warm and perfect for children. He didn't know what to do at first but then he kicked a little and didn't mind the water. He was really relaxed the whole time and just enjoyed the warm water. He even got a face full of water and didn't cry!
Brady has been super busy with work lately. Nothing new...just the usual. He's been searching for somewhere to play soccer and unfortunately there are NO soccer leagues for adults. He is super super bummed but is looking into starting a league for the community. He's also been getting things situated so we can start building a house. He's been busy searching for land, comparing builders, and meeting with different mortgage lenders. He's also been busy helping me around the house...doing dishes and picking things up. The laundry is left for me :)
I have been busy taking care of Cooper of course! I also have been trying to fit in as much studying time as I can (but as you can see Blogging and Facebook take up a lot of my free time). The laundry is done, dishes are put away, and there's a happy baby. I really miss Missy and I still look for her often. She made our home more cozy and welcoming. I chopped my hair off...I think about 6 inches! It's cute but I am still getting used to it. I'm thinking about getting a job in the fall. It would be part time and hopefully at the hospital. I am feeling the need to do something with adults and the extra cash wouldn't hurt...especially since I want new toys for the house!
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